What is Monero?
What is Monero? Launched in April 2014 in an open-source cryptocurrency. Mining in Monero uses a public ledger to record transactions while new units are created. It focuses mainly on privacy and promises anonymity of the sender and the receiver. Unlike Bitcoin, which can be mined through specific Integrated Circuits, devices called miners; Monero uses a different mechanism and allows mining over regular consumer devices like x64, x86, ARM etc. This makes it more easier to be mined.
Its feasibility with CPUs and GPUs has made it viable for malware developers to embed it into their malware; and thus using victims' electricity and processing power for their financial gains. Its JavaScript implementation has made it possible to be embedded into the web-pages; consequently feeding on the users' processing resources; though, some publishers use it as an alternative to regular advertisements, but some use it without users' consent.
Is Monero worth mining (using JS) ?
Mining Monero using JavaScript on your website, is not illegal but nothing justifies it morally. Here are some of my key conclusions:
- Mining means, to contribute in the chain transactions, processing hashes, and that is done using some processing power. This power is provided by the visitors of your website. It uses huge system resources of Visitors. You may end up losing your loyal visitors.
- Popular antivirus treat the site containing Monero mining code as malware. They will either block the site or the JavaScript and hence you will be in loss. You'll lose your traffic and consequently your rankings.
- According to a report, cryptocurrency mining within sites is 6th most common and largest malware.
- Cloudflare suspends websites that use cryptocurrency mining JavaScript.
- CoinHive use system resources of Visitors but don't pay you full for your efforts. They will pay you 70% of mined coins. + There is no way to calculate how many hashes you delivered actually but coinhive dashboard which can report less and they can make more 💰 themselves.
- The lowest payout is 0.05 Monero which is today equals to 8$. For these 8$ you will have to wait for several days (or months) and taking huge risks. Better use your time and resources in something more productive and more beneficial.
- If you really want to mine Monero then why don't you use dedicated hardware and mine directly.
- Most of RDPs and VPS have written in their TOS that mining coins is illegal using their system resources and they can terminate your account at any point.
- If you try to mine it on your own PC, you might end up damaging your hardware as it uses 100% of CPU power and system gets heat-up quickly
- If your website has good traffic you might end up losing your revenues from AdSense too since antivirus software block sites. I tested it with Kaspersky. Low traffic will also affect your site ranking in Google. So never try it on your primary site. Good Luck
If you ask for my opinion, I won't ever recommend you using Monero JS mining on your website, If you still want to experience and test how it works, use it somewhere where your online dignity doesn't matter; as you'll damage it in the long run if you use such things on your own brand web. Buy dedicated hardware and start mining any crypto currency of your choice over it. That'll be a better choice.
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